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Variables in C++ for Soccer Players Variables in C++ for Constellations Boolean operators in C++ for Logging In Conditions in C++ to Dress for the Weather While loops in C++ for an Energy-Saving Thermostat For loops in C++ for Greetings For loops with Vectors in C++ for Workout Routines Switch statements in C++ for Horoscopes Vectors in C++ for a Task List Vectors in C++ for a Workout Routine Arrays in C++ for a Grocery List Functions in C++ to Order Fast Food Functions in C++ for Grocery Shopping Function Parameters in C++ for Editing Documents Function Parameters in C++ for Borrowing Cars Function Parameters in C++ for Updating Vectors Pointers in C++ for Recipes Structs in C++ for Apartments Structs in C++ for Superheroes Classes in C++ for Video Streams Recursion in C++ for Adding Digits (lightboard) Recursion in C++ for Adding Digits